Tuesday, January 20, 2009

what a day!!!!!!!

hi guys-

well, i have stopped crying long enough watching the inspiring inauguration of our next president to blog for a few seconds.

my husband says that none of you care about my politics and that you want me to talk about food and health. well, to me, part of being whole and healthy is being an active part of your community and working each and every day to create the kind of world we want to live in.

the election of this new president tells us that when we come together as a unified people and speak with one voice; when we unite and work for the change we want...we are a force of nature and we become the change we wish to see in the world.

imagine if we applied that same fervor, that same inspired passion to changing the quality of food we consume and feed to our families and loved ones (you know i was going to bring this back to food...). if we decided that enough was enough, that we would no longer accept poor quality food just because it was cheap and easy...if we decided that we would only accept the very best quality that our farmers, producers and manufacturers could produce, what changes would we see then?

would we see a world free of so many of the ills that plague us? would we see less add-hd, less type 2 diabetes, less arthritis, less indigestion, less sexual dysfunction, less obesity, gorgeous skin and hair, truly graceful aging?

we'll only know if we come together, as we have in this election of barack obama, this vote for change and become the change we want to see in our food...

see ya.'


Carol said...

Thank you so much, Christina, for connecting our daily actions and attitudes with the greater good in the world that we're all hoping for. Obama inspires me and so do you. I'm so grateful that I found your show.

Nancie Janitz said...

Christina - I also feel so hopeful and happy with this new president! It is a NEW DAY!

I am dealing with health issues and trying to ditch the meat and dairy - so I bought your Cooking the Whole Foods Way & Glow. I am so inspired by you and your story (and your RECIPES which speak directly to need for Italian food!! LOL!) I want to watch your show but they do not air it on PBS in Detroit...do you sell DVDs of it anywhere?

Looking forward to trying so many of your recipes and your advice on living whole...

Hugs from Detroit!

Luke said...

You really should let Jon Michaels cook some time.